The instant analytic capabilities of the Inspirometer engine make it easy to identify performance issues in the organisation.
Use the sections within the Compiler menu heading to analyse your organisational data.
Impact Reports
At the top of the page, you will see a map of your organisational structure. You can open up the sub-branches of your structure by clicking the little arrow on the left. The search box at the top-right also provides a way to search for specific sections or individuals. Just type in a keyword and press Enter – the tree map will expand to show all matching results, and will highlight the matches in red.
Once you have selected a department/person by clicking on its name, the graphics below will automatically update to display the feedback data associated with that department.
The Dial tab is displayed by default – this allows you to view results for a selected time-period (selected above the Dial) and for a particular category of feedback (selected on the Dropdown menu).
The little people icons you see here represent an individual response. When there are more than 100 total responses, however, the figures represent a % distribution thereafter (this is demonstrated in the screenshot above, note that some figures are part coloured for this reason).
You may also view the spread of responses by choosing from the bar and pie charts listed on the tabs to the bottom-right.
More detailed feedback can be viewed by clicking the ‘Graph’ tab, which you will find at the top of the Dial window. Select the timescale to display using the tabs beneath the graph – a longer timescale can be useful for smoothing the results out, making it easier to perceive trends.
Just as within a personal account, the points on the graph represent the type of data present. Solid circles or squares indicate the presence of comments (hollow – no comments), and squares indicate the presence of secondary data (circles, not so)
If you observe an unexpected improvement or decline in performance, you want to be able to isolate the causes of that difference.
Response Analysis
You can filter by date/category to see information about each of the responses received. However, now you can also look at the responses according to the Department they relate to. Just configure these filters then click ‘Refresh’ to see the responses displayed in the table below.
You can sort the table by clicking any of the column titles.
Data Export
Just as within a personal Inspirometer account, it’s possible to download all of your raw compiler data as a spreadsheet file to manipulate yourself. Visit the Data Export tab of the Compiler menu:
The Data Export page offers you the ability to download your data in Excel/CSV format. Select your date filters and click Start – the system will begin to generate the data for you, and it will appear in a list below as ‘Processing’:
When it is ready, click the blue ‘Download’ button to the right-hand side. Your web browser may prompt you to choose a location on your computer to download to, or it may send the download straight to a predetermined destination such as your ‘Downloads’ folder. This depends on your own particular browser settings.
A CSV file functions just like a spreadsheet file but with a .csv extension (‘Comma Separated Values’). The data is saved in a table structured format that can be opened by any spreadsheet program – including Microsoft Excel, Open Office Calc and Google Spreadsheets.
Now you can open that file in your spreadsheet software and manipulate your raw data in whichever way you’d like.
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