Instant Participation Templates

Select a tool (for help, click the matrix on the right),
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“This is a brilliant!” - Steve Foxley, Executive Director AMRC   Read More

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Surfacing (hidden) agendas

Hopes & Concerns

Unpacking the whole truth

6 Thinking Hats

Breaking goals into tasks

Tree Diagram
Tree Diagram

Developing a shared perspective

Affinity Diagram
Affinity Diagram

Using more creative perspectives

Creativity Reframing
Creativity Reframing

Finding new synergies

Matrix Diagram
Matrix Diagram

Maximising ‘bang for buck’

Impact Ease Grid
Impact Ease Grid

Planning what is happening when

Planning Chart
Planning Chart

Fixing failures before they happen

Pre-Mortem Template

Gaining strategic perspective

SWOT Diagram

Focusing on the objectives

Parking Lot
Parking Lot

Investigating root causes

Cause & Effect

Exploring all that is needed

Honeycomb template

Generating ideas quickly

Brainstorm / Brutethink
Brainstorm / Brutethink

Working WITH opposition

Creativity Reversal
Creativity Reversal

Target setting with real buy-in


Increasing user adoption

Forcefield Analysis
Forcefield Analysis

Keeping track of progress

Simple Kanban

Tapping into intuition

$500 Bet Template
$500 Bet

Exploring the business environment

PEST Analysis
PEST Analysis

Deploying quality of approach

Card Sort

Appreciating the full implications

Solution Effect Fishbone Diagram
Solution Effect

Making sure actions happen

Kipling List

Looking at creative adaptation

Creativity SCAMPER
Creativity SCAMPER

Taking higher level perspectives

Creativity 5 Whys
Creativity 5 Whys

Getting everyone on the same page

Consensus Reaching Template

Keeping virtual attention

Status Tracking Template
Status Tracker

Ensuring actions are fully considered

Action Planning Table
Action Planning

Continuous learning from everything

WWW/RFI Review
WWW/RFI Review

Help in selecting a template

To select a template, use the blue boxes down the left of the picture below to match what you are trying to do in this part of your meeting/workshop, and then look along that row to see which templates have a tick against them. Then simply pick one to try out, scroll back up the page, and click on it. The colours should help you find it easily.

We have also developed a mega template, based on the selection grid above. It has all of the templates in one whiteboard, linked directly to the matrix and descriptions of how to use them. Click here to access it.