The Dashboard is your homepage in the Inspirometer system. Navigate back to it at any time using the ‘Dashboard’ button at the top of the menu:
In this section you will find out what’s on your Dashboard and how to use its features.
Click a heading below to show/hide relevant help sections. Or download our ‘Getting Started’ guide
The Dial
The central part of your Dashboard is your Dial. The dial displays the results you have gathered from people clicking on your Tags. Inspirometer is really very simple: you attach Tags to your work, people click on the Tags, and the result immediately appears on this Dial.
Initially, your Dial will not be displaying anything, because it needs feedback to work. Getting feedback requires a Tag, so feel free to skip along to ‘Creating a Tag’ if you want to get on with it.
When you have gathered some feedback, the Dial’s arm will swing to indicate an average percentage score. And, the area to the right of the dial will begin to fill up with little people. These little people represent individuals who have responded to one of your Tags, in the colour of their response. You can right-click them to analyse all the responses of that colour – this takes you to the Response Analysis page for that subset of results.
And, if you prefer to see the data in chart form, there are three options to select from by clicking the tabs to the bottom-right of the Dial.
By default the Dial displays an overview of the last 30 days of responses. You can change this by setting the time period – either select from the drop down menu or select ‘custom’ to input your own date range.
If you have a lot of different Tags, you can set the Dial to visualise the results according to Tag Category. Use the dropdown box on the right-hand side to choose from your categories in use.
These tools are intended as a learning-tool, to give you an efficient overview of your personal impact. You can look at your responses in more detail in the Response Analysis section.
The graph displays a plot of responses over the last 30 days by default, but you can change the time period by clicking the options below the graph. Viewing your data over a longer period of time, such as a whole year, is useful for averaging data in a way that smooths out odd points and shows a clearer overall trend.
In the area below your graph you will see that you are able to select individual Tags or Categories to graph. By ticking/unticking the boxes, you can decide exactly what you want to see on the graph, including comparing the data from two different Tags side by side.
Each line on the graph displays in a different colour – to differentiate these look at the key above the graph.
The graph uses four different symbols for the points on the graph, which indicate what type of data is present:
Hollow squares – mean there is secondary data available on that point (e.g. extra ratings of different aspects).
Filled squares – mean there is secondary data AND a written comment or narrative.
Hollow circles – mean there is no secondary data and no comments.
Filled circles – mean there is a comment but no secondary data.
Right click any point on the graph to see the detailed date for that point. This allows you to choose to see a breakdown of those responses in chart form, to see the associated comments, or the secondary metrics.
Help Panels
Once you’ve had a look at a panel, you can close it using the button in the top-right.
If you know what you’re doing and would like to close all of the help panels permanently, just go to ‘My Account’, and in the ‘Manage Account’ section you will see an option to REMOVE ALL of the help panels.
Of course you can also restore them at any point later on.
Continue to Create a Tag