Inspirometer is very simple – create Tags, generate feedback data, find out how you are doing.
On a personal level, this allows you to learn about your personal effectiveness, which is extremely valuable. However, if you run an organisation it is also valuable to see how personal effectiveness builds up to organisational effectiveness, and to get a picture of how the organisation is performing.
Inspirometer provides a great tool with which to achieve this. We call it the Compiler.
Compilers collate the data from multiple individual accounts, and allow you to visualise the overall trends. The core data remains unchanged, and fully in the ownership of the individual account, but the organisation can gather insight into its systemic influence on individual and team performance. Permissions can be set for different managers to view and/or administer different areas of the compiler.
To access this functionality, you will need to purchase a Compiler extension from us. This is easy, just get in touch with us and we will discuss your requirements and get your Compiler set up for you. Click here to download our guide: ‘Administering the compiler‘
The following section will explain what the Compiler is, and what it can do for you.
Click a heading below to show/hide relevant help sections. Or download our ‘Compiler’ guide
Creating a Compiler
Creating a Compiler
For an organisation, the compiler extension would generally be purchased within the account of the most senior person in that organisation.
That lead person then becomes the Compiler owner, and can set it up to reflect the structure of their organisation.
The compiler essentially groups together data from lots of individual accounts, which can be structured according to your requirements. There are then analytical tools you can use to drill into the data to learn about the general performance of your organisation.
Once the Compiler extension has been obtained, you will see a new ‘Compiler’ heading in your Inspirometer main menu. Clicking this button will reveal the various sub-sections for using the Compiler.
In this example we will set up a new compiler to demonstrate what it can do.
Clicking ‘Manage Compiler’ will prompt you to enter a name for the top level of your compiler, so you should name this after your organisation. Now your organisation name will be set up as the first ‘node’ in the ‘tree’ of the compiler. (We may have already done this bit for you).
You now need to reflect the structure of your organisation underneath this top level. You will need to ‘Unlock’ your compiler to be able to make these changes, but please remember to save any changes (if prompted to do so) and to ‘LOCK’ your compiler immediately after completing your changes.
Your organisation probably has different sections or departments, so click ‘Add Department’ to create a sub-heading beneath your top node. Note – you need to have an item in the structure selected when you click ‘Add Department’ – the new Department will be created within the department you have selected. Of course you can create smaller sub-headings within these departments, and eventually they will be populated with the individual accounts of your people. Keep going until you’ve built a tree-like structure which reflects your own organisation.
The Rename/Delete options are there to correct any mistakes. Please be careful! There is no undo facility when you have deleted something. Make sure you have something in the structure selected/highlighted when you go to use these buttons.
It’s also possible to create and edit your structure by going to the ‘Sync Structure’ tab of the Manage Compiler screen. Here, it’s possible to download your current structure as a CSV file, for viewing and changing in software like Excel. You can also upload a CSV file from your computer, which you can compare and then sync with your current Compiler structure. This can be a faster way to make your desired changes.
Once the structure has been defined, you can easily move Departments/people around simply by dragging and dropping them! When you move a whole Department, all of its contained people and data seamlessly moves with it.
Adding users to your Compiler
Adding users to your Compiler
Once you’re happy with your organisational structure you will need to populate it with individuals. Clicking on Account Management within the Compiler item in the left hand menu will take you into the section of the Compiler where you can manage the licenses and accounts within your compiler.
Clicking on the ‘Accounts’ tab will provide you with a list of all those accounts currently linked into your compiler (if you are just starting out, yours may be the only account listed).
Creating new accounts for the people in your organisation, is a very easy task. Simply click the new account button, enter the email address of the account you want to add, and then click on ‘CHECK EMAIL ADDRESS’. This will open up a panel like the one below, where you can enter their details, select which Department you are inviting them to, define a temporary password for them and ‘CREATE their ACCOUNT’.
For security reasons, permissions have been restricted to ‘Data Link Only’ within this process, but once each individual has logged in and confirmed to you that they have used a new secure password, you can change their permissions as described below.
Account details are NOT automatically sent to the new account holder, so you will need to make a note of them and email them to the account holder yourself. We have changed to this approach because we found that people want to set people up en-masse, but that they only want to communicate log-in details after some form of basic training or communication has been arranged.
If the individual you are seeking to create an account for already has an Inspirometer account with that email, you will need to invite them to link their account – this process is described below.
Inviting/linking existing accounts
Inviting/linking an existing account
To invite somebody, go to the ‘Account Management’ option within the Compiler menu. Click the ‘Accounts’ tab and you’ll see a list of every account currently linked to the compiler. At the bottom, click ‘New Account’, and enter the email address of the individual you want to add.
In the event that the email address you enter into the ‘NEW ACCOUNT’ section already has an Inspirometer account, the panel opens with a warning to this effect, and presents you with an option to invite the account holder to join your compiler. (If they do not already have an Inspirometer account, see the section above)
We take this approach because ownership of your own data is a paramount principle for us, so its important that each individual has that level of control over their account (so that they cannot be entered into a compiler without their permission).
Use the panel to select the department where their account is to be added, and then click ‘SEND INVITE’. The person concerned will then receive an email like the following:
Please note: Unless you have white-listed in your email system, you may need to alert your people to check for this email in their spam folders.
On clicking the link in the email (after logging into their account) the user will see an invite confirmation page like this one:
After clicking through this page, the invitee will be asked to drag & drop the Tags that are already associated with his account, into the relevant compiler categories. This is so that the compiler administrators can sort through the overall data according to category. For example, if the owner wanted to see how well the organisation was performing on customer service, she could select to view only that data, which would be a compilation of all the individual Tags related to customer service.
Occasionally, you may receive the following message when you are attempting to add/invite someone to your compiler: “Warning An account with that email address is attached to another Compiler. Compiler name XYZ”. Accounts can only be linked to one compiler at a time. To overcome this issue, you will need to contact the account holder and ask them to either unlink their account from the existing Compiler, or ask the existing Compiler owner to release them (delete their account from the Compiler). Once they are released from their existing Compiler, you will be able to invite them as described above.
Individual users can unlink their account through the unlink button on their account page:
Moving users within your Compiler
Moving users within your Compiler
Moving users within a compiler is fairly easy to do, but it requires someone to have administration rights over both the section that the individual is moving from, and the section they are moving to. If the Compiler structure is not complex, you can easily affect a move by simply selecting the name in ‘Manage Compiler’ and then dragging it to its new home. However, in more complex compiler structures, it is not always easy to see both the old department and the new one.
To overcome this, simply select the name in the structure, and then click the MOVE button. This will open a pop-up pane like the one shown below.
This enables you to easily select the new department from a list, and the account will move immediately. Please remember to save your changes and relock the compiler when you have completed your moves.
Releasing users from your Compiler
Releasing users from your Compiler
From time to time you will need to delete user accounts from your compiler as they depart from your organisation. It is important to realise however, that Individuals ‘own’ their Inspirometer accounts, and so you are not actually deleting the account, you are just deleting the link that your compiler has to it. However, if you are paying for the account, those charges are also released and the account will be temporarily downgraded (without permanent loss of personal data) until the charge is reinstated by means of a user upgrade or connection to a different compiler.
Accounts can only be linked to one compiler at a time, and so it is important to release accounts that no longer play a part in your organisation’s performance. This can be done either via the ‘Manage Compiler’ page, by searching and selecting the name, and then clicking the ‘DELETE’ button (once the Compiler is ‘unlocked’), or via the ‘Accounts’ tab on the ‘Account Management’ page, and clicking the red cross to the right of the account.
If you are searching for the name by means of an email address, it is often better to search in the Account Management section which has access to more information on each account. (You are restricted to searching by name in the Manage Compiler section).
Please remember to transfer any key Tag or response information before you release the account.
It is easy for one person to set up a compiler account, but what about in a large organisation where it is difficult for one person to know all of the structures and people involved?
The owner of the Compiler has the option to delegate certain Compiler powers to others in the organisation. Other people can be set up as administrators for certain branches of the tree.
Those delegates can then build, manage and view that branch and its sub-branches. The exact powers they have can be customised by the overall owner.
To adjust permission rights, go to the ‘Manage Compiler’ screen and select an individual within your compiler somewhere. In the ‘Details’ box to the right you will see that person’s current permissions listed under ‘Rights’. Click the ‘Edit’ button to change them. The following window will appear:
As you can see there are several different options to choose from. ‘Owner’ assigns that person the same complete control that the overall owner possesses, but only within the contents of their own sub-branch.
Select the one that’s right for you and hit OK.
Continue to Viewing Compiler Data