Organisational Level (Compiler)

Inspirometer is very simple – create Tags, generate feedback data, find out how you are doing.

On a personal level, this allows you to learn about your personal effectiveness, which is extremely valuable. However, if you run an organisation it is also valuable to see how personal effectiveness builds up to organisational effectiveness, and to get a picture of how the organisation is performing.

Inspirometer provides a great tool with which to achieve this. We call it the Compiler.

Compilers collate the data from multiple individual accounts, and allow you to visualise the overall trends. The core data remains unchanged, and fully in the ownership of the individual account, but the organisation can gather insight into its systemic influence on individual and team performance. Permissions can be set for different managers to view and/or administer different areas of the compiler.

To access this functionality, you will need to purchase a Compiler extension from us. This is easy, just get in touch with us and we will discuss your requirements and get your Compiler set up for you.  Click here to download our guide: ‘Administering the compiler

The following section will explain what the Compiler is, and what it can do for you.


Click a heading below to show/hide relevant help sections.         Or download our ‘Compiler’ guide

Continue to Viewing Compiler Data