Advanced compiler options

Owner permissions at the root level of a compiler carry the capability of configuring special features within the Inspirometer. These special features largely concern the advanced options concerning community Tags.

Community Tags are a special form of Tag which can be created in the compiler such that they are available to everyone in the compiler. This is very useful for a number of reasons:

  1. It ensures that questions, and the manner in which the Tag works, are consistent for everybody
  2. It means that results can be more accurately combined, and therefore …
  3. It enables scores for the specific Tag to be seen all the way up through the organisation
  4. It is much easier to use within CRM systems, and other data-based approaches
  5. People’s Tags can be distributed automatically (or systematically) on their behalf
  6. It still allows individuals to see and take responsibility for their own personal results

Please note, some of the options listed below require customisation of your account to enable them. To access these options, please contact us.

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