Alerts & Digest

A good way to stay up to date with your Tag’s response activity is to receive a regular ‘Digest’ summarising the main events in your account (switched off by default).

You can also receive email notifications when your Tags receive comments or different classes of responses (also switched off by default).

To edit these settings, head to ‘Manage Account‘ page and then switch to the next tab along: ‘Alerts & Digest Settings‘.




Don’t worry – all you need to do is check the boxes and your preferences will be automatically saved. You will receive an email alert whenever a Tag receives a response which you have ticked for that particular row. The two symbols on the right enable you to select to receive an email whenever you receive a comment on a Tag, or whenever you receive a request to reply to a comment.

If you decide to turn on the Digest feature, your Digest will be sent to the email address associated with your account. It will contain a summary of recent activity in your account – letting you know about how many responses you have received and how many people you have inspired (the blue star!). It also shows you any comments your respondents have left.

Alerts provide a great way to stay in touch with your Inspirometer account.

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