We’ve designed Tags to be very quick and easy to respond to, in order to maximize the amount of data your Tags will generate. This section shows you the process that your respondent will go through when they provide their response.
When you see an Inspirometer Tag you can interact with it by either clicking on it or scanning it with your smartphone.
The clickable faces display as a row of colourful expressions and would normally be found in a digital document of some kind.
When the user clicks a face, a ‘response page‘ is opened in their browser. Their response is immediately recorded at this point, even if they ignore the response page, but the page is there to allow that person to customise their feedback: by giving them the option to change which face they picked; prompting them for extra ratings of other aspects; and by offering them the space to add a text comment.
This is what the standard response page looks like to somebody who has just clicked on a face:
You can try this out for yourself now, to see what the experience is like from a respondents perspective. Please click one of these faces to rate how helpful this has been:
Scanning QR Codes
In order to scan QR codes you will need an internet enabled smartphone with a QR code scanning app installed. There are a host of free scanning apps available.
Go to the App Store for your phone and search “QR scanner” to identify free scanners that are available. Select one that has a reasonable feedback score, and follow the instructions to install it. For the Android phones, we recommend QR Droid, and for the Apple phones we recommend QR Reader for iPhone.
You’ll also need an Inspirometer Tag to scan – why not try this one? (this is the Tag to rate these help pages).
Open up your scanning app on your phone and position the code in the scanning window.
The scanning process ought to be almost instantaneous (although this can depend slightly on lighting conditions and the quality of the phone’s camera) – and you will be transported to the Response Page which will display in your phones internet browser.
It will function exactly as described above, including the relevant options to add further detail or comments (if they are enabled in that Tag). Simply move the slider to reflect how you feel.
The other type of Tag you will come across will be our webpage Widget. It displays our line of clickable Faces but in a neat and stylish webpage friendly item. You can find one of these in the footer of these help pages.
Clicking this kind of widget will not link you out to the response page, instead it’s one click to select a face (your response is recorded instantly) followed by an option to add a comment.