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What is Inspirometer?
Inspirometer is a new system for gauging peoples reactions. It provides a simple and spontaneous means for people to relay their responses, with one click or a scan of their phone. And it provides you with valuable ways to visualise that data.
Click here for further information.
What is a Tag?
A Tag is a request for feedback. Other people can interact with your Tag and straightforwardly give their feedback – by selecting from one of five ‘faces’ that represent different levels of satisfaction, or a sixth that reflects ‘delight’. Tags are both the configuration and questions you set up in your account, and the range of small graphics that you can copy onto your work for people to click and engage with those questions. The graphics can adopt a range of different guises depending on where they are to be used, as you can see
What do I do with a Tag?
You should place your Tags so that people will encounter them at the end of the experience you are seeking to measure, for instance at the end of an article or email, in the bottom right corner of a display, as the final slide in a presentation, or projected at the end of a meeting. For more guidance on how you can use your tags in different situations,
click here.
Can I have more than one Tag?
Yes! If you want to measure your impact across numerous situations, you will need Tags that are tailored for each experience. For example, One of our Tags is specifically a ‘Help Pages’ Tag, which you’ll find at the bottom of this site, so that we can gather feedback for this particular help section. If you have reached the limit of Tags for your account, you may need to upgrade, or you may be able to repurpose or delete some of your existing Tags.
What do I do if I forget my password?
How do I use QR codes?
QR stands for Quick Response. QR codes are like barcodes which can be scanned by most internet enabled smartphones (provided it has a camera). There are many free apps available for scanning QR codes, and when you scan a code, you will be taken to the webpage that the code specifies. With Inspirometer, you can attach QR codes to real-world items to create physical tags – when scanned, the user will be able to provide their response/feedback.
What if people don't have a smartphone?
The vast majority of phones now used in corporate settings are now internet enabled and have a camera, and people are increasingly used to scanning QR codes (you can even find them on the back of rail tickets). You may need to explain to people what they need to do the first few times you use your Inspirometer, and some people may miss out, but you will certainly gather a big enough sample of data to have a valid perspective on your performance.
Are the responses anonymous?
In the default settings of the Inspirometer, they are, and this will be confirmed just above the resubmit button on the response page. This is a key feature of the Inspirometer’s use within organisations where people may be concerned over repercussions from their feedback. However in some customer situations it is important to know who your respondent is and so Inspirometers can be
encoded to capture additional information. Where this feature is used, the anonymity message is omitted from the response page.
What if somebody maliciously gives me a lot of low scores?
This is unlikely, but it does happen. The first thing we would flag up is that you
should not take it personally. If it is an isolated incident, it may be best to just let it go. If it is a more common problem, you can set a time for limiting the response rate to your Tags – i.e. a minimum time for same person to respond to the same Tag a second time – via the ‘Advanced’ tab on your Tag editing page.
Further information.
How can I see my results from Follow-up Questions?
You can enable up to three Follow-up questions on your Tag – the respondent is asked to rate three more aspects of your service with three separate scores – -we call these ‘secondary metrics’ There are two ways to view these results:
First, you’ll see that the points on your Graph are either circles or squares. Square points indicate the presence of secondary metrics. If you find a square point, right-click it to display a menu containing options to view the data from that period of time. In this menu, click ‘2° Metrics’ to see the separate results from those extra aspects. The window that opens will show each of the 3 aspects and display an aggregate score from the responses received for that period of time. You can also have this data show up visually on the graph – go to the window below the graph where you’ll find a list of your Tags. If a tag has secondary metrics associated with it, it will have a small red and blue graph icon in the ‘detail’ column. Click the icon to display the data on the graph itself.
Second, you can view the separate scores by looking at the details of individual responses. Go to ‘Response Analysis’ and click the magnifying glass icon beside a response. If the respondent answered any Follow-up Questions, you will see their individual ratings appear in this window.
What do you get with a free account?
The basic Inspirometer account allows you to create and use one Tag. You are not limited as to where/how you use it, but you are limited to 100 responses received per month.
Will I have to start paying for the free account at some time?
Not if you stay with the free account. For the foreseeable future, all of the functionality you are currently enjoying will remain available to you at no cost providing you remain within the monthly response limit for the free account. However, you may at some point in the future encounter small but relevant advertisements on the site which will help us to defray our costs. Alternatively, we hope that Tag-Check will become so useful to your personal effectiveness that you will want to extend to use its full functionality in multiple areas of your working life.
What will an Upgrade allow me to do?
The Professional Inspirometer account will enable you to create up to 10 different Tags and use them however/wherever you like. You can receive up to 1 000 responses per month.
Why do my Faces sometimes not display in my emails?
To protect us from spam and obscene images sent maliciously (and there is a lot of it) many email systems prevent automatic download of images from any correspondent that is not included in your ‘trusted’ list. The obvious solution is to ensure that you are included in your correspondent’s trusted lists, but people are often not good at maintaining these. There is an option to embed the faces in your email (below the faces on the download page) which over comes the issue, but can create problems where the images become attachments on some mobile devices. We generally recommend that you include a small ‘
Click here if you cannot see the faces above’ message below your Tag [feel free to copy this]. Clicking the link will now explain how to see the faces, and also how to quickly add the sender to your ‘trusted’ list.
What is a Compiler?
A Compiler is a type of Inspirometer account that can collate together the data of all the individual members of an organisation. Compilers combine this group data into a coherent overall picture of organisational performance, and can set permissions for who can view what at what level. To obtain a compiler, please
contact us directly.
How do I get a Compiler?
Compiler accounts are purchased by
contacting us directly
How do I set up my Compiler?
When your Compiler account is up and running, you’ll see a new item in your main menu: ‘Compiler’. Open this and click ‘Manage Compiler’. The first time you do this you’ll be prompted to enter basic information about your organisation.
Next, you should reflect the structure of your organisation by building the tree of Departments/teams. Use the ‘Add Department’ button to lay out the structure – new departments are added under whichever part of the structure is highlighted at the time. Once you have the structure ready, you’ll need to populate it with individuals by ‘Linking’ them to the Compiler. Further information.
What is Linking?
Linking is what happens when an individual adds her account’s data to an organisational Compiler. This can’t happen involuntarily – we take personal ownership of data seriously. The individual must choose to link herself to the organisation. The data from numerous individuals can be combined into an overall picture, for the purpose of identifying systemic issues and improving organisational effectiveness.
Further information.
How do I link people from my organisation into the Compiler?
To Link people to your compiler, go to the ‘Account Management’ from the Compiler sub-menu, click the ‘Accounts’ Tab, and then press the blue ‘New Account’ button. Enter the email address of whoever you’d like to Link, then choose from your Departments depending on where they ought to be. They will then receive an invitation to link their account to the compiler.
Further information.
How do I link my account?
The owner of the compiler will send you an invitation to link yourself to the compiler. You can’t be linked to the compiler without your cooperation – your data is yours. When you receive an email invitation, follow the link to accept the invite.
How do I adjust the structure of my organisation
This is easily done by visiting the ‘Manage Compiler’ page and dragging and dropping the Departments or individuals into their desired positions. The data analysis within Inspirometer will be updated instantly to reflect your changes.
Further information.
How do I appoint people to manage certain Departments in the Compiler?
As Compiler administrator, you can appoint others to have different levels of permissions within the compiler – then they can take over management of that section or department. Go to ‘Manage Compiler’, find the person and select their name. In the right-hand panel you can click ‘Edit’ to change their permissions.
Further information.
How do I look at Compiler reports?
Go to ‘Compiler’ in the left-hand menu, and click on Impact Reports. This will open a page with the organisation structure in the top panel, and below it a panel with a Dial/Graph displaying performance Data. Initially, the visuals will reflect the data for the whole organisation, but you can click on different parts of the structure to narrow what you want to assess. The Dial/Graph will be instantly updated. You can also select certain Tag Categories (e.g. Marketing), and change the timescale to change what is displayed.
Further information.