SCAMPER is a really useful tool (or more accurately, a checklist) for exploring creative possibilities and opportunities around a solution or situation.


TRIZ, a truly amazing resource for stimulating productive innovation, was developed from researching the entire patents database for the core inventive principles which underpinned innovation. The … Read more


The creativity of the human mind is excellent at making progress back toward something it understands and fairly hopeless at making progress away from its … Read more

Reframing Matrix

The Reframing Matrix is a technique for looking at the problem from different perspectives (planning, product, people and potential, rather than the more abstract perspectives … Read more

Problem Restatement

Problem Restatement is a technique for looking at the problem from different perspectives (usually more abstract ones, rather than the stakeholder ones reflected in the … Read more

Affinity Diagram

The Affinity Diagram is one of the Seven Management and Planning Tools and is deceptively simple. It is a means for looking at patterns and … Read more

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a tool which enables groups or individuals gain a better understanding on the current situation in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities … Read more

Hopes & Concerns

Hopes & Concerns is a tool which enables groups to outline and share their positive and negative feelings about an event from the outset.

Six Thinking Hats

Six Thinking Hats is a useful tool for taking different perspectives on a situation. It was developed by Edward deBono, and despite its apparent simplicity it … Read more

Kipling List

The Kipling List is taken from a very short poem by Rudyard Kipling: “I had six serving men, they taught me all I knew, there … Read more

Matrix Diagram & QFD

Matrix Diagrams are an excellent device for encouraging methodical exploration of all of the potential ways that one set of things can influence another, for … Read more

Multi-Channel Templates

See: The concept of a multi-channel approach Multi-Channel Involvement is about using alternative forms of input to the meeting. The standard input to a meeting tends … Read more

Impact/Ease Grid

The Impact/Ease grid is a four-box model (a 2×2 positioning chart) for plotting solutions (or ideas or strategies) to reflect the impact of taking them … Read more


Brainstorming is probably the best known, the most-used, and the most misused tool in creative work within organisations. Essentially it is a free-form technique for … Read more

Effects Database

The Effects Database is a useful tool for applying the principles of TRIZ quickly and easily to problems and idea generation. It has been created … Read more

Rules of Brainstorming

Ensure people understand the following simple set of rules for brainstorming before they start:

Force-Field Analysis

The Force-Field Diagram is premised on the assumption that people and events behave (or fail to behave) as they do because of the balance of … Read more

Planning Chart

The Planning Chart is simply a grid, with either months, or numbers along the top, to represent periods of time into the future, and rows … Read more

Clothesline for virtual meetings

See also Clothesline for target setting by consensus The Clothesline is a tool used to develop group consensus on target setting.

‘Parking Lot’ Principles

A ‘Parking Lot’ is an extremely useful device for ensuring your meetings keep on track with the full support and attention of the attendees. Essentially, … Read more