Interrelationship Digraph

The Interrelationship Digraph is one of the Seven Management and Planning Tools.

It is frequently used to further explore the groups that develop out of the affinity diagram. It is intended to enable people to see links and causal relationships.

The Digraph is produced by placing all of the factors (eg groups from an Affinity Diagram) onto a large white-board (ideally dry-wipe white-board sheets covering  an entire wall) in an initially random fashion. These ‘factors’ are then linked by arrows to represent causal effects – eg the factor at the head of the arrow is ’caused’ by the factor at the tail.
This can be done in one big group or in several smaller groups, each group looking for direct causality between items. The factors can be moved around the board to avoid long arrows. However, be prepared for multiple rearrangements and rewrites of arrows as understanding evolves.
Essentially the digraph helps people develop understanding and insight into what are the causes (factors predominantly with arrows emanating from them) and what are the effects (factors predominantly with arrows converging on them) in a situation. Loops in the arrows can indicate vicious circles (or virtuous cycles).
It is most commonly used in exploring the factors in an existing situation, and in problem solving, but it can also be used from a planning perspective to look at the causality between the objectives and strategies of a business and its component parts.  More commonly referred as a ‘Why-How’ chart in this form, it can be an excellent tool to break down organisational silos and develop a broader understanding of how departmental focii need to link together to ensure success.
For further guidance on ‘Why-How’ charting, take a look at Chapter 1 of How to Build a Better Business (which is a free e-book), or Chapter 2 of Managing by Design.
Further information on the Digraph (and indeed on all of the Seven Management and Planning Tools) can be found on the ASQ website.

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