Web-based meetings are often seen as an inferior alternative to physical meetings something to fill in the gaps when travel is too expensive or inconvenient. But the truth is that web-based meetings are only inferior in the way that they are used in practice, ‘Under the hood sits an engine of immense potential which can out-perform almost any physical meeting, if only people knew how to drive it.
Conversely physical meetings perform on average much worse than we might imagine. They ocoupy the majority of management time, are often poorly run, and a large proportion of them are relatively ineffective.
Ask a senior manager about the performance of the meetings that his or her subordinates lead, and the likelihood is you will get a lot of opinion, but very little performance data to back it up. Because although meetings are the most important process in any organisation, they are often the least measured and controlled.
Using research data, Meeting by Design looks objectively at the performance issues in current meetings, and the reasons behind these. It then goes on to look at the processes used in professional workshops and why these have a higher incidence of success. And it then finds these same features in the functionality of web-based meetings and discovers that much of this potential is not only untapped, it is virtually unknown.
Finally, Meeting by Design goes on to provide practical guidance to organisations on how they can set about systematically realising this potential.
The ultimate goal of this book is to transform the performance of your meetings, both physical and virtual, through engaging the creativity and resourcefulness of your people, but its retum comes from realising travel savings through enthusiastic and effective embracing of the web-based culture.
Meetings by Design is available for download free of charge to Clinic subscribers – please click here: http://pages.inspirometer.com/Resources/Meeting_By_Design_vClinic.pdf
Or physical copies can be purchased on-line through Amazon for less than £10 here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Meeting-Design-Harnessing-Potential-Revitalise/dp/0954302141/
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