Inspirometer Web-app

The Inspirometer Web-app is the system that pulls the data from your Calendar Add-in, and combines it with the responses from your Mobile App, to create a complete picture of your (and your team’s) meetings, and to equip you with the insight and guidance on how to improve that picture. Most of the remaining guidance on these help pages concerns how to get the best out of your Inspirometer Web-App – how to gather data, how to analyse it, how to set about improving, how to engage your team, and how to manage a business wide programme around all of this. You can see this structure reflected in the menu down the left hand side. However, it may be best to begin with a simpler overview of the Inspirometer Web-App, and this can be simply explained by working through its menu structure – shown in the image below right.


The first item on the menu is the ‘Dashboard’.

The Dashboard is the page that Inspirometer opens on. It is a concise summary of what may be important or immediate in your account – meetings requiring feedback, your status, upcoming meetings, requests for feedback from past meetings, and a chart of your progress.

The panels in the Dashboard change, depending on what you might need at the time.

For a fuller explanation of the Dashboard, take a look at the section on The Meetings Dashboard.

Walkthroughs and Information Buttons

You will also find that the Dashboard, and all of the pages described below, have two other resources to enable you to quickly get to grips with how they work and what they are telling you.

The first of these is a item-by-item Walkthrough, available on each page via the Help facility in the top right hand corner of your account. This will step you through the page by means of a series of simple overlays.

And the second are small information buttons, signified by a small grey dot with a small letter ‘i’ within it, which can be found in the top right corner of most panels. Clicking these will give you a contextual explanation of the panel.


Below the Dashboard menu item comes the ‘Analysis’ section. This expands when you click on it (as shown below) into three sections as follows:

  1. Meeting Stats provides a snapshot analysis of the meeting uploaded from your calendar in the form of histograms and pie charts. More information on these charts can be found here.
  2. Meeting Trends re-presents the key meeting stats data, but trended over time so that you can track improvement progress.
  3. Meeting Effectiveness looks at trends in the feedback you have received from meetings – it also displays word-clouds from comments, and an analysis of the qualities data which people have highlighted. You can see further explanation of this here.

Depending on what permissions you have been granted by the person who set up your account, each of the above items may include the ability to see (and drill down into) team data as well as your own personal data.

Manage My Data

Below the analysis section falls the ‘Manage My Data’ section. This enables you to work directly with Calendar Data in a table of all of your meetings, travel, and other highlighted calendar items. Here you can confirm the facts for each meeting, and see individual meeting feedback, as described here.

This section also has a Data Export capability, which enables you to export all of your data as a csv file and import it into Excel to do more sophisticated and bespoke analysis than is possible in the Inspirometer tool.

Depending on your permissions, you may also be able to download team data via Data Export. However, if you have this permission, you need to recognise and act in accordance with local privacy regulations, including GDPR.

Manage My Team

If you have administrative privileges over your team, your menu will also include a ‘Manage My Team’ menu item, which opens up into four options as follows:

  1. Team Settings (only for account organisers) – this enables you to set default settings behaviour. These settings can be overwritten by the individual user, but it helps to provide a consistent start for people.
  2. User Stats – this enables you to see progress of your team members in tabular form across all aspects of their account usage – enabling feedback, giving feedback, reviewing results, adoption of basic approaches, etc. More information on this can be found here.
  3. Team Structure – This enables you to structure your team into groups and sub-groups if appropriate. More information on this can be found here.
  4. Team Members – Here you can add and remove team members, allocate them to sub-teams and, depending on your own permissions, you can set permissions for them. For more information, please click here.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you do have the ability to set permissions, you will almost certainly need to update your own organisation’s security register for any changes made, and to advise the person granted permission of their responsibilities under local privacy laws (such as GDPR).