The Meetings Database

Inspirometer meetings database containing meeting feedback reportsThe meetings database for your account can be accessed through ‘Manage my Data’ in the left hand menu. Here you can see a list of all of the meetings which comprise your meeting timespend as a result of being uploaded through your Outlook Add-in. See the image on the right.

Where these meetings have received feedback, the report column on the far right will contain a link which enables this feedback to be seen in the same form as when the meeting took place (i.e. in the same form as was visible through the dashboard).

For ease of analysis the list can be filtered to a particular time period (using the ‘Time Period’ setting in the top left corner of the screen) or to a particular characteristic (e.g. size or type – using the dropdown filters in the top right corner of the screen). Items can also be filtered on part of the name or category using the ‘Search’ facility to the top right of the table.

The green buttons to the right of the search facility provide the means to display additional columns in the table, and to export the table for analysis in other tools such as Excel.

Meeting Categories can be edited within the table, both individually and in bulk, whether or not a category had been originally set within Outlook. This facility is particularly useful for grouping certain meetings together such that they can be graphed separately or in comparison with each other.

Categorise meeting metrics within Inspirometers Meetings DatabaseWhere uploaded meetings should be excluded from the analysis for a particular reason, this can be achieved by clicking the coloured box in the left-hand column for each entry. This provides drop-down options which enable the user to reclassify or remove the item. Items which have been removed in this way can still be seen in the list if the ‘Show Excluded’ option is ticked (beside the date filter) – this means that items excluded in error can be re-edited back into your data.