Set-up is about ensuring that everything is in place and working effectively in preparation for the implementation – that the technology is tested, management are clear on their goals, and there is an agreed plan in place.
This is a very brief phase, intended to take no longer than one week. It is about defining:
- What Meeting Effectiveness is to achieve for your organisation (goal setting – target benefits)
- How and when it will do this (planning the implementation programme)
- The form of the Inspirometer tool which works for you (configuration)
The following steps describe the main areas of activity in this phase. The links will provide you with a bit more guidance and some useful resources to assist your progress in each step.
Awareness is about engaging people and generating a baseline for improvement – that people know how to begin data collection, that management are supporting them in this, and that the data creates a cohesive and clear picture of what is happening currently. [ … more information]
The Awareness phase is about using the Inspirometer to gather baseline data about the current meetings process across the organisation. It provides an easy way for people to get used to the tool and how easily it does things.
The following steps describe the main areas of activity in this phase. The links will provide you with a bit more guidance and some useful resources to assist your progress in each step.
Insight is about using feedback to understand the effectiveness of meetings – that basic training around feedback takes place, that people are participating in feedback, and that management are helping people overcome any obstacles. [ … more information]
This phase is where you begin to use Inspirometer as it was intended. It provides the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the meeting processes which you baselined in the previous phase.
The key goal in this phase is to get people comfortable with giving and receiving data concerning the effectiveness of meetings, and to truly appreciate that:
- The data is not a reflection of them personally, only of what emerged from the meeting
- The tool is about learning and insight, not about evaluation or appraisal
The following steps describe the main areas of activity in this phase. The links will provide you with a bit more guidance and some useful resources to assist your progress in each step.
Inspiration is the final stage where the data generated is used proactively to increase meeting effectiveness – that there is local discussion over what they want to achieve through this, and that everyone is supported in taking personal responsibility for their part in that. [ … more information]
This is the final phase of the implementation programme, but it continues on beyond the conclusion of implementation. It is about getting to a position where using data to maintain and increase the effectiveness of meetings is as normal as it is for all other business processes, and where the organisation continuously grows in its capacity to: inspire; energise; engage; develop; enlighten and lead its people.
The following steps describe the main areas of activity in this phase. The links will provide you with a bit more guidance and some useful resources to assist your progress in each step.