Implement a strategy for embedded maintenance of meeting effectiveness
Proposed Approach:
- Review progress against the intended target benefits defined in M0
- Work with the management team to develop a practical strategy to close the gap – this may include the use of clinic resources and any corporate initiatives to improve meetings
- Deliver training as required. A basic guide is available on using the Meetings Clinic.
- Build practices into the management process which will ensure progress is sustained after the steering group disbands
Use of the Clinic (Guidance): T3_Use_of_the_Meetings_Clinic.docx
Meetings Effectiveness toolkit:
Related Notes/Links
This is the point where the Steering Group needs to think about its strategy to pass on its responsibilities and disband
To do this, it needs to analyse the progress to date, develop whatever programmes will be required to ensure the target benefits will be met, and cascade their responsibilities into the line