Inspirometer is very simple – set up a meeting, generate feedback data, find out how are you doing.
On a personal level, this allows you to learn about your meeting effectiveness, which is extremely valuable. However, if you run a team or organisation it is also valuable to see how personal meeting effectiveness builds up to team meeting effectiveness, and to get a picture of how the organisation is performing.
Inspirometer provides a great tool with which to achieve this. We call it the Team Account. It is the framework within which individual accounts are set up.
How does the Team Account create an organisational perspective on meetings?
Team Accounts collate the data from multiple individual accounts, and allow you to visualise the overall trends. The core data remains unchanged, and fully in the ownership of the individual account, but the organisation can gather insight into how its policies and systems are influencing individual and team meeting behaviour.
Permissions can be set for different managers to view and/or administer different areas of the Team Account. The Team Account essentially groups together data from lots of individual accounts, which can be structured according to your requirements. These are supported by a set of analytical tools which you can use to drill into the data and learn more about the performance of meetings within your organisation.
The following section will explain what the Team Account is, and what it can do for you.
Click a heading below to show/hide relevant help sections.
Creating a Team Account
Creating a Team Account
PLEASE NOTE: If you are part of an existing client (such as Siemens or Microsoft) this step has already been done for you. Contact us to find out who your administrator is.
A Team Account needs to be set up in order to create individual accounts for measuring meeting effectiveness. This is the first step in the process and needs to be actioned by the person who will administer Inspirometer on behalf of the organisation. The steps to creating a Team Account are simple and straightforward, and can be found here: Enrol with Inspirometer.
The administrator then becomes the ‘Team Account Owner’, and can set it up to reflect the structure of their organisation.
During the enrollment process, the administrator will have been prompted to enter a name for their organisation. The organisation name will be set up as the first ‘node’ in the ‘tree’ of the Team Account. Then using the steps below, the administrator will create an organisational structure within the Team Account.
If the organisation is a large one, and the administrator wishes to appoint other administrators to set up and administer different parts of the structure, he or she can do so, by means of granting ownership permissions to people within the structure.
Structuring your Team Account
Structuring your Team Account
The guidance in this section assumes you have administrative rights for the Team Account for some or all of your organisation.
You can check whether this is the case by looking at the menu down the left hand side of your account. If you can see an option for ‘Manage My Team’ then you have administrative rights. If you do not, you will need to speak to the person who set up your account to ensure you are granted the appropriate permissions.
The person who set up the Team Account for your organisation will always have administrative permissions.
When you click on the Team Structure option under Manage my Team, you will see a panel like the one on the right. If you are the person who set up the Team Account the highlighted team name will be that of the organisation. Otherwise the highlighted team name will be the part of the organisation for which you have been allocated administrative rights.
Your first task will be to reflect the structure of your team underneath this top level. You will need to ‘Unlock’ your Team Account to be able to make these changes, but please remember to save any changes (if prompted to do so) and to ‘LOCK’ your Team Account immediately after completing your changes.
Your team may have different sections or departments within it. To create these in Inspirometer, click ‘Add Department’ to create a sub-heading beneath your top level team. Note – you need to have an item in the structure selected when you click ‘Add Department’.
The new Department will be created within the department you have selected. In this way, you can create smaller sub-headings within these departments (eventually they will be populated with the individual accounts of your people, but that is a separate process). Keep going until you’ve built a tree-like structure which reflects your own organisational arrangement.
Depending on the size of your team, you may wish to delegate the task of creating some parts of the structure to other people. In this case, you can create the overarching department for that part of the structure but leave the structure beneath this undefined. How you then pass on that responsibility is explained below in ‘Delegating ownership within the structure’.
The Rename/Delete options are there to correct any mistakes. Please be careful! There is no undo facility when you have deleted something. Make sure you have something in the structure selected/highlighted when you go to use these buttons.
Once the structure has been defined, you can easily move Departments/people around simply by dragging and dropping them! When you move a whole Department, all of its contained people and data seamlessly moves with it.
Remember to save your changes when prompted, and to lock the Team Account when you have finished.
Adding users to your Team Account
Adding users to your Team Account
Once you’re happy with your organisational structure you will need to populate it with individuals. Clicking on the Team Members option under Manage my Team in the left hand menu will take you into the section of the Team Account where you can manage individual accounts.
This will provide you with a list of all those accounts currently linked into your area of the Team Account (if you are just starting out, yours may be the only account listed).
Creating new accounts for the people in your organisation, is a very easy task. Simply click the New User button, enter the email address of the account you want to add, and then click on ‘Check Email’.
This will open up a panel like the one on the left, where you can enter their details, select which Department you are inviting them to, decide whether you want to send them login details immediately, and ‘Create’ their account.
You may wish to untick the checkbox to ensure that account details are NOT automatically sent to the new account holder. This will enable you to set people up en-masse and subsequently communicate log-in details after (or as part of) some form of basic training or communication.
If the individual you are seeking to create an account for already has an Inspirometer account with that email, you will see the screen on the right, and you will need to invite them to link their account. They will then receive an email giving them instructions should they wish to do so.
Bulk uploading users to your Team Account
Bulk uploading users to your Team Account
The process described above may be easy and convenient for creating individual users, but can prove onerous when setting up accounts for a large team or department. To reduce this burden, Inspirometer has a bulk upload facility which can import a spreadsheet of user data and use this to create accounts automatically.
The format of the spreadsheet needs to follow a defined format, and should be created within our template which can be downloaded here.
The template has 5 columns which need to be completed as follows:
- firstname – the first name of the user
- lastname – the last name of the user
- email – the email address of the user which they will use to log into their account
- department – the team within your structure that the user is to be allocated within (please note, the department needs to be set up as per the guidance under Structuring your Team Account before it is referenced in this way)
- affiliations – the list of affiliations the user is to be linked to (please note, if entering multiple affiliations for a single user a semi-colon must be used to separate the terms)
- sendlogondetails – this is either a 1 (to send logon details automatically by email) or a 0 (to not do so)
The first user record replaces the example row immediately below the headings. Up to 99 further user records can be included in the subsequent rows of the spreadsheet. In the event that you need to create more than 100 users, these need to be done in batches of maximum 100 users.
User creation is an intensive process which establishes links right across the Inspirometer site. As a result, the generation of each set of user records can require several seconds of processing and checking time per record to ensure that everything is in place.
Once the spreadsheet is completed, save it, and then drag and drop it onto the upload panel and click upload. This will initiate the user creation process. Allow up to 3-4 minutes for the full 100 records to be processed.
On completion of the process, Inspirometer presents a report, listing those accounts that have been created successfully, and highlighting those accounts that have been skipped, together with a reason for non-creation. It is then up to the administrator to correct these issues manually, e.g. by sending an invitation to a user with a pre-existing account, etc.
Updating user details and allocation
Updating user details and allocation
Users that have been uploaded to Inspirometer within your area of responsibility will be visible in the Team Members table. Depending on the number of users, you may need to click through multiple pages (1), or use the search facility (2), to find them.
The Team Members table enables you to edit various aspects of the user record in-situ. This makes it easy to correct mistakes, make name changes (3), move department (4), affiliate people, and change permissions (5) – permissions is covered in the next section. Simply click on the entry, and use the text box or the drop-down to update its value.
Affiliations are simply a means to assign people to groups which sit across the normal line structure, such as cross-functional teams or communities. One example may be where a director has allocated her management team to their own departments, but wants to see their stats as a group without seeing the whole department. In this case she could add an ‘X_mgt_team’ tag to the affiliations column for each of her direct reports, and then use this as the affiliation to filter in the analysis pages. For more on this see the nurturing improvement section.
It is also possible to make bulk changes to records by ticking the boxes for multiple records in their left hand margin (6), and then using the ‘Actions’ button (7) to effect a change across all selected records.
The Actions button also enables selected accounts (identified by a tick in the box for that record) to be deactivated, sanitised (by removing related PII data in compliance with GDPR), completely deleted (along with all associated data), or to receive a forced password reset (8).
Allocating permissions for managing other user accounts
Allocating permissions for managing other user accounts
The structure enables teams to be grouped together, and to form part of a nested/hierarchical arrangement. This provides the opportunity for people to be administered locally, for results to be grouped into a team perspective, and for managers or coaches to see patterns which better inform any support they provide.
Permissions enables certain users within the structure to see the data of their co-workers for the purposes defined above. However, with the privilege of having the ability to see this data and the insights therein, come responsibilities and limits for how that information is used – in particular in respect of its benefit to the other users involved.
Therefore, in exercising its own responsibilities for handling user data, Inspirometer requires that anyone it empowers to see that data adopts those same responsibilities, and it presents them with a charter for them to agree before it grants them those rights. The charter is also inherent in the Terms and Conditions the primary administrator agrees when they set up the system.
The permissions that can be granted a user are as follows (Please note, all users can always see their own data – the permissions refer only to other users’ data):
Link Only | No access to the company structure or any data or reports other than their own. |
View Only | Can view (but not edit) team structure from their department down. Can view user data from their department down. |
Edit Only | Can view and edit team structure from their department down, including creating and deleting users. No access to any other data or reports within the team. |
View / Edit | Can view and edit team structure from their department down, including creating and deleting users. Can view user data from their department down. |
Owner | Complete control of the company structure from their department down. Full view/edit rights as defined above, including the ability to grant and remove permissions, appoint other Owners from their department down. |
Overview | Can view department data from their department down, but cannot see individual user data. |
In technical terms, granting permission (if you have permission to grant permissions) is as easy as clicking the link in the rights column and selecting a different option.
However, under GDPR, it is now part of every organisation’s responsibility to ensure that such access to other people’s data (whether within Inspirometer, or within other data systems handling PII) is only granted in compliance with a formal approval process/policy.
Since Owners (and only owners) have the ability to change the rights of others to view PII data, it is important to ensure that the appointment of new Owners is part of a process which makes them aware of their responsibilities in respect of GDPR and your approval process/policy.
Delegating ownership within the structure
Delegating ownership within the structure
It is easy for one person to set up a Team Account for a small organisation/team, but what about in a large organisation where it is difficult for one person to know all of the structures and people involved?
The owner of the Team Account has the option to delegate certain powers and responsibilities to others in the organisation. Other people can be set up as administrators for certain branches of the tree. Those delegates can then build, manage and view that branch and its sub-branches. The exact powers they have may be customised by the overall owner.
Typically, the branch administrator will be the manager of an area. If their area is large, and they may in-turn need to grant permissions to others, you might grant them ‘Owner’ permissions so that they can change those permissions.
However, ‘owner’ permissions are the ones that can grant access to PII data to others, and those changes may need to be controlled under a formal approval process/policy. This may be a big step under your GDPR related policies/procedures. An alternative would be to grant the branch administrator view/edit permissions, and manage the requests they may submit for others to have access to PII data yourself.