Understanding Meeting Stats

The charts on the meeting stats page show you how you spend your meeting time, and are intended to be simple and intuitive. However, as with all such things, there is always scope for misinterpretation and things going wrong, and so this page provides an explanation of the Meeting Stats page, and the charts you will find within it.

Uploading your data to the charts

If you have uploaded your data through the Calendar Add-in the charts showing how you spend your meeting time should appear automatically when you go to the Analysis > Meeting Stats page. However, if you do not have the add-in installed correctly, or if something has gone wrong, you may see a page full of messages like the one on the right. To resolve this issue, please go to our troubleshooting page.

Setting the ‘what’ and the ‘when’

By default, the Meeting Stats page will show you the results across all of your personal meetings for the last 30 days. However, you can change these settings using the panels shown on the right.

Clicking in the boxes on each panel will enable you to set different date ranges and focus on meetings with particular characteristics. Read More

Timespend Histogram

The primary chart on the Meeting Stats page is a histogram showing the proportion of each working day that has been taken up with meetings and other commitments, and how much is left for other productive work.

Hovering over the bars of the histogram will provide you with a quick overview of the number of meetings and time spent.

More detail on the meetings reflected in the histogram can be found in ‘Manage my Data’. Read More

Reading the Donut Charts

Donuts are essentially pie charts which breakdown the population of meetings shown in the primary histogram to reflect what proportion of those meetings fit with certain criteria in terms of: size; length; recurrence; disciplines; etc. Most of the remaining charts are of the ‘donut’ type. The thicker blue donut on each reflects the breakdown of meetings hosted (and which it is easier to do something about) while the thinner green donut reflects the breakdown of meetings attended. Read More

Meeting Size

The Size chart reflects the proportion of meetings that are 1:1, small (5 people or less), medium (6 to 10 people) and large (more than 10 people involved in the meeting).

In a large organisation, it is not unusual to find that the average size of attended meetings is higher than the average size of hosted meetings – this is due to the effect of large meetings such as ‘all-hands’, and ‘town-hall’ meetings. [How to read the donut charts]

Meeting Duration

The duration chart shows the breakdown of what proportion of meetings fall into which length groups. Please bear in mind that, while meeting length does bear a relationship with meeting quality, this is a subtle and complex relationship and it would be unwise to consider it too simplistically. Read More


The Participants chart reflects the proportion of meetings that are entirely internal, vs those which are primarily external (half or more of the invitees are external). Mixed is used to denote meetings where there is external participation but the majority of the participants are internal. Read More


Recurrence shows you the proportion of your meetings that are set up to repeat periodically – in other words, they have a recurrence rule set within the organiser’s calendar, such as every fourth Thursday.

Please note, meetings which are entered separately into your calendar on a set pattern do not show up as recurring.  Read More

Objective / Agenda

Objective / Agenda shows the proportion of your meetings which have an objective and/or agenda included in the body of the invitation.

Clearly the technology interpreting this does not have the discernment of the reader, and so these need to be in a particular format to register. Read More

Meeting Type

The Meeting Type chart shows the proportion of your meetings which are physical (held face to face in a defined location) and virtual (held between people at separate locations using the internet, telephone or other virtual meeting technology).

It is also possible within this chart to capture asynchronous meeting time scheduled into your calendar using the term Async in the location field.
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Feedback Enabled

The Feedback Enabled donut shows the proportion of meetings the user is hosting and attending where Inspirometer feedback has been enabled.

Feedback is enabled for meetings by including meetings@inspirometer.com in the attendee list for the meeting. Read More

Meeting Value-Add

The Meeting Value-Add donut shows how the feedback your meetings have received breaks down.

It is important to remember that this donut is not an evaluation of the user’s meetings (or indeed of the user themselves) but simply a self-assessment of what was received from the meetings for whatever reason.
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Approximate Total Spend

The approximate total spend is obtained by multiplying the hours consumed by hosting or in attending meetings by an approximate hourly cost of employment for those people. The approximate hourly cost (and its currency) can be adjusted by clicking the figure in the purple box. Read More

Effective Overtime Hours

Effective overtime hours reflect the time spent in hosting or attending meetings or in travel outside of normal working hours. Normal working hours is currently set at 09:00 to 17:00. Read More

Productivity Blocks

Productivity blocks show the average amount of time remaining to people outside of travel and meetings where they can concentrate on doing their work. They reflect separate contiguous blocks of 90 minutes duration. Read More

Spider Diagram

The Spider Diagram analyses meeting feedback which has been categorised (or ‘applied to’) the different aspects of meeting effectiveness. The purple trace reflects the average value-add feedback associated with each of the aspects, while the mid grey trace provides an impression of the relative volume of feedback which comprises that average.

Clicking the axis labels takes the user to the meetings clinic for that aspect, and presents them with a range of simple strategies which might be adopted to improve that particular aspect of meetings. Read More