Analysing Meeting Effectiveness

Inspirometer graphs showing meeting effectiveness analysisThe Meeting Effectiveness page is accessed through the left hand menu (under Analysis). It can also be accessed by clicking the graph on the dashboard. It presents a page like the one on the right, showing you the overall trend in the impact of your meetings over the last 3 months.

By default it presents the meeting feedback for all of the meetings you have hosted in that period. However, by means of the drop-down box in the top left corner, you can change the view to ‘Personal Attended’ which will show you your participation feedback for the same period. There may also be an option to select ‘Team Compiler’ (if you have the correct permissions) but this is covered in the help pages under ‘Administering Your Team’.

The graph quite simply shows the average feedback received (in terms of perceived meeting value-add) in each weekly period over the three months. The time period can be changed easily in the selector toward the top right of the page, and this has the effect of both changing the period under consideration, and of changing the aggregation down to days or up to months, as appropriate.

To the right of the graph is a pie chart of the spread of responses received for the period in view. This can be changed to a word cloud based on the comments during that period, by means of the ‘Comment Cloud’ tab above the pie chart. Below the graph is analysis of the average characteristics of the meetings which took place within the period under review.

Inspirometer's meeting productivity metrics Selecting the ‘Meeting’ tab toward the top left, changes the drop down list to a list of meetings which took place in the period, each of which has a bullet point in the colour of the average perceived value for the meeting. Meetings with no feedback show a white bullet.

Selecting an individual meeting changes the display to reflect that specific meeting (replacing the graph with a pie chart, and using the right hand panel to review any agenda feedback, and any detailed comments received from the meeting).

Selecting the Category tab changes the graph to display all of the various categories of meetings in comparison to each other. The dropdown list can then be used to select individual categories and display more information (such as the comment cloud shown on the right) on each category separately.

Inspirometer's comment cloud reflecting average meeting feedback comments

The comment cloud is colour coded to the average feedback received related to the comments which included that particular word.