Researching two tools to support the CSM process

Please research two of the meeting tools that are available to support events such as the SPW and other activities to support customer progress.

Each person in a group is asked to research two different tools, so that during the exercise in looking at alternative approaches to current support activities, the group will (collectively) have knowledge of all the tools it needs.

The tools you will be looking at (on behalf of your group) are listed below, and you can use the hyperlinks in the tool names to access simple guidance on them. Please find your name in the list below, and click on the adjacent hyperlinks.

Tools Researchers
Hopes & Concerns; SWOT Analysis Ben, Chrissy, Andy, Ed, Amy, Deanna
Force-Field Analysis; 6 Thinking Hats Bryce, Gretchen, Ann, Eric LM, Caprice, Eric U
Fishbone (Ishikawa); Impact/Ease Grid David, Jayne, Brian, Erik, Dennis, Jennifer H
Kipling List; Card Sort Fawaz, Jennifer B, James (Eric), Javier, Greg, Jim
Matrix Diagram; WWW/AFI Review Inga, Matt, Nivi, Nidhi, Michael, Kevin, Siak Huang
Clothesline; Affinity Diagram Jenny, Sebastien, Sharon, Prashanth, Rich, Mark
Consensus; Shortcuts Siak Huang, Lisa, Bill, Alberto