To load the App on your own mobile device, simply click on the logo below to go to the relevant store, and then select to install it.
Alternatively, go to your app store, and search for ‘Inspirometer’ and download it from there.
The App provides easy access to give and receive anonymous feedback for all participants in a meeting.
Once you have installed your App, it will ask you to register your email address (and set a password for security*) and this will automatically synchronise your App to your meetings (where they have been set up for feedback). Once installed, feedback is as simple as opening the app and clicking on the faces.
[Example video]
For more information on the App, and how you can use it to provide further feedback, and even see and share the results, please [click here].
If you do not have a mobile device, or are unable to load and register the App for other reasons, please do not be concerned that your views on the meeting will be ignored. You will receive an email for each meeting that has been set up for feedback (to which you have been invited) and will be able to provide feedback by clicking on a face in the email.
Meeting feedback is enabled simply by including in the invitation list for the meeting (see the illustration on the right).
[Example video]
For new meetings, this can be done by ensuring you include when you add the other invitees (the Outlook Add-in – see below – will do this for you automatically).
For existing meetings, simply right-click them and forward them directly to – please only do this for your own meetings, or with the permission of the meeting organiser. (Please note, this only works for Outlook accounts connected to the Siemens Exchange Server – like yours.)
Once this is done, the other participants invited to your meeting will receive the opportunity to provide single click feedback on the meeting. If they have installed the app, and registered their email address, this will be through the App, but if they have not it will be done by email.
IMPORTANT: Do not use this feature in a ‘real’meeting until you are confident in how it works. Please try it out by picking on one or two ‘friends’ and sending them a test meeting, lasting 10 minutes, and scheduled for a few minutes hence. Remember to include (if you have the add-in this may happen automatically).
Once you have mastered the basics, you can look into the [set-up feedback options]. Meeting feedback will be available to the organiser of the meeting (the person whose email address the meeting invitation originated from) immediately it is given. If you want to be able to see meaningful trends in your data, please ensure you set up your own meetings, and that you are consistent in your use of [meeting subjects and categories].
The add-in works in the background of Outlook to gather meeting data from your calendar and present an analysis back to you. Your [privacy is protected] within this process.
[Example video – Installing the add-in]
There are two versions of the add-in. The version you will need depends on the version of Outlook you are using. If you are not sure which version of Outlook you are using, please take a look at the Microsoft guidance on this, or watch the video.
The following steps (illustrated in the video) will install the add-in into your Outlook, and you will immediately be able to see an analysis of your meetings. [More detailed guidance] is available if you prefer.
- Close everything down except this webpage (restart your machine if you have time)
- Run the correct installer for your Outlook: 2007 | 2010 and later – and follow the instructions
- Open Outlook, and let things settle down before you do anything else – and wait for an Inspirometer email (It sometimes helps to close and reopen Outlook a second time – even if you have the email)
- If you can see the Inspirometer buttons and they work, that is it done (if you do not yet have a password, simply click ‘forgot password’)
- If the buttons aren’t there, or they don’t work, you may need to do some basic troubleshooting
By default, the add-in looks at all of your meetings and none of your appointments (Outlook defines a meeting as a Calendar item which has other people invited). [Add-in settings] can be used to change what the add-in includes.
To access your account and see the data, follow this link: and use your email address and your password* to log into your account.
*Please note, if you do not yet have a password, or if you have forgotten in, click the link to ‘forgot password‘ to create a new one
[Example video – accessing account]
Much of the data you will see in your account is self explanatory, but there is a [more detailed run-through] available.
If you have been given permissions to administer your team, and see overall performance data for it, there are four key things you will need to know:
- [Your responsibilities as an administrator]
- [How to track departmental progress]
- [Reviewing user adoption and application]
- [Providing support and encouragement]