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Setting up New users is covered in both written guidance, and in a video demonstration.
The written guidance can be found in section 5 of the help pages; or directly via this URL: https://toolchest.org/managing-your-team-structure/#add . If you need to add multiple users, you can find guidance on this here: https://toolchest.org/managing-your-team-structure/#bulk
The video can be found on the Video Training Units page in Section 7 of the Help Pages, and is also included below (The part you need is in the first minute of the video) …
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Developing a structure of teams within your department helps you to deploy responsibility for managing progress down into the existing management structure. It is covered in both written guidance, and in a video demonstration.
The written guidance can be found in section 5 of the help pages; or directly via this URL: https://toolchest.org/managing-your-team-structure/#structure .
The video is within the video of ‘How to Set Up Your Team’ (which can be found on the Video Training Units page in Section 7 of the Help Pages), and is also included below (The part you need is about 1 minute into the video and runs for about 90 seconds) …
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Using Inspirometer is very easy and intuitive and there is lots of help available through the information (i) buttons on each panel and via the help button. The best document for people to read to get started is the ‘Getting Started’ page in section 1 of the help pages; or directly via this URL: https://toolchest.org/install/
However, if they would prefer a quick video overview, the ‘Feeding the Inspirometer Monster’ video is intended to show how quick and easy everything is (the title is intended to be ironic). It can be found here: https://inspirometer.com/why-inspirometer/ (the lower of the two videos) and is reproduced below. There are also some very helpful short videos on the Video Training Units page in Section 7 of the Help Pages.
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We all work very busy schedules, and the reality is that those things we don’t do immediately tend to either slide out of our thinking or get picked up again when questions get asked. Inspirometer is no exception to this, and so you may well find that a significant proportion of your people do not install the add-in on the first (or even second) time of asking.
The best way to address this tends to be an email from the boss targeting those who don’t yet have the add-in working. The emails of those who do not have the add-in installed can be found through the User Stats page of your account (Under the Manage my Team menu item on the left hand side).
By using the export button on the right hand side of this table you can export a list of your people to a spreadsheet, and then order it to group those who don’t have a working add-in, and then simply copy their email addresses to an email.
Further guidance on this can be found in section 5 of the help pages; or directly via this URL: https://toolchest.org/team-progress/
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Inspirometer is intended to be a mechanism by which people can take personal responsibility for managing their own progress on management effectiveness, and their managers can see how they are doing and provide guidance and support as required.
For managers to be able to do this, you will need to set their permissions to see their team. This is a very simple process and you can find guidance on it here: https://toolchest.org/managing-your-team-structure/#permissions
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Much of the resistance to Inspirometer comes from two main sources:
- A lack of understanding of the value of the tool
- A belief that it is going to involve a lot of work
We have created two short (5 minute) videos to address these misunderstandings, and these can be found here: https://inspirometer.com/why-inspirometer/
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The most useful resources for reviewing and encouraging progress in Inspirometer are the ‘Managing Team Progress’ section of the help pages in section 5 – the direct URL for which is https://toolchest.org/team-progress/ and the ‘How to track team progress video’ which is available below (or via the Video Training Units page in Section 7 of the Help Pages).
I hope this will cover all you need during the roll-out phase, but if you need something else, please contact Inspirometer and we will add the resources you need to this list.