Bulk uploading users to your Team Account … (Download Template Here)
The process for adding individual users may be easy and convenient for creating one or two users, but can prove onerous when setting up accounts for a large team or department. To reduce this burden, Inspirometer has a bulk upload facility which can import a spreadsheet of user data and use this to create accounts automatically.
The format of the spreadsheet needs to follow a defined format, and should be created within our template which can be downloaded here.
The template has 5 columns which need to be completed as follows:
- firstname – the first name of the user
- lastname – the last name of the user
- email – the email address of the user which they will use to log into their account
- department – the team with your structure that the user it to be allocated within (please note, the department needs to be set up as per the guidance under Structuring your Team Account before it is referenced in this way)
sendlogondetails – this is either a 1 (to send logon details automatically by email) or a 0 (to not do so)
The first user record replaces the example row immediately below the headings. Up to 99 further user records can be included in the subsequent rows of the spreadsheet. In the event that you need to create more than 100 users, these need to be done in batches of maximum 100 users.
User creation is an intensive process which establishes links right across the Inspirometer site. As a result, the generation of each set of user records can require several seconds of processing and checking time per record to ensure that everything is in place.
Once the spreadsheet is completed, save it, and then drag and drop it onto the upload panel and click upload. This will initiate the user creation process. Allow up to 3-4 minutes for the full 100 records to be processed.
On completion of the process, Inspirometer presents a report, listing those accounts that have been created successfully, and highlighting those accounts that have been skipped, together with a reason for non-creation. It is then up to the administrator to correct these issues manually, e.g. by sending an invitation to a user with a pre-existing account, etc..