IT Briefing Page

Supporting the Implementation of Meeting Effectiveness

Our experience to date would indicate that it is very important to have somebody who is IT savvy and knowledgeable about your systems on your team – somebody who can help people through the basics of installing and uninstalling software, and who can liaise with IT when there are problems.

Most of what they will be doing is wonderfully satirised in the sitcom ‘The IT Crowd’ who had always answered the phone with the response: “Have you tried switching it off and back on again”. In this case, switching it off and back on again may require people to uninstall and reinstall the various tools on their machine – which may be very straightforward to some, but can be daunting to others.

Supporting the implementation of Meeting Effectiveness mostly concerns:

  • Support to people in installing the add-in and ensuring it is working correctly.
  • Helping them find activation or password-reset emails that may have gone astray into spam folders or clutter
  • Liaising with Inspirometer when there are identified bugs to be resolved in the software
  • Liaising with IT when there are identified issues in Outlook or the IT infrastructure

It may also include support for downloading the App, but that has not proven to be a requirement to date.  Having a goto person for these sort of issues can help ensure they are addressed quickly rather than they are allowed to sit and fester and undermine your progress.

There is always a danger in attempting to provide guidance to a professional person.  However, we offer what follows without any implication that you may not already know it, but simply from the perspective of ensuring that we are on the same page.

We would suggest that you begin by installing the Inspirometer tools yourself so that you are familiar with the process and any potential idiosyncrasies within it. The process people are advised to follow can be found here:

If they encounter issues in the installation, the following pages are intended to provide initial guidance on resolving these:

Beyond this, we would recommend that you work through the following steps to identify where something may have gone wrong:

  • Check that they have been properly set up in the organisational compiler (for more information see:
  • Check that the email they are trying to log in with is the same one as used in their account
  • Check that they followed the correct links and steps in installing the add-in, and that they had closed everything down before they began
  • Check that they have closed and restarted their machine to give things a chance to settle down and sort themselves out
  • Check that it is not a network, internet connection, or VPN issue by trying to install it from outside of the VPN
  • Check that this is not associated with other issues the user may be experiencing on their machine

If the problem still persists once all of these things have been check as the possible cause, and if you have run out of other things to test or try based on your own technical expertise and knowledge of your system, then please get in touch with Inspirometer support.