Download the free App

Get ready to provide meeting feedback

Feedback is key to improving any process. The Inspirometer App makes feedback on meetings easy, quick, anonymous and fun. The benefit is fewer, shorter, better meetings; greater enthusiasm and faster progress.

To load the App on your own mobile device, simply click on the logo below to go to the relevant store, and then select to install it. This will enable you to fully participate in feedback enabled meetings.

The App provides easy access to give and receive feedback for all participants in a meeting.

Screenshot of Inspirometer App providing Meeting Metrics


Once you have installed your App, it will ask you to register your email address and Inspirometer will automatically synchronise your App to any meetings which have been set-up for feedback. Once installed, feedback is as simple as opening the app and clicking on the faces (more info).

The short videos below show you how to install and provide feedback via the Inspirometer App.

For further information on Inspirometer, its benefits, how to set up meeting feedback or giving and receiving meeting feedback please click on the links in this sentence.