
Two facts about the majority of meetings are:

  1. They fall a long way short of being fully effective; and
  2. The organiser will be largely oblivious to fact 1.

And these two facts are the primary reasons meetings have not improved – unlike virtually every other process they lack data on their performance.

The assessment step provides the means by which this issue is redressed.

Ensure anonymous sentiment metrics are used to track honest and open attendee perceptions of the value of your meetings, and use the results to:

  • Analyse what works and what doesn’t, and fix any shortfalls
  • Experiment with the effectiveness of different meeting tools and approaches
  • Initiate dialogue and engage the attendees in improving meeting performance
  • Trend meeting improvement to increase all aspects of effectiveness and engagement

For guidance on how to use sentiment metrics in your meetings, see the guidance on using Inspirometer.


Strategic Improvement

Use the model below to develop a vision for how you want your meetings to be different going forward, and then research the resources above to develop a coherent plan for how you plan to bring about improvement.

For a selection of resources which support ‘action’, please go to: