What do you want to do?
Get started
Your Inspirometer App will open on to your dashboard.
Any live meetings (which have feedback enabled) will appear as the first item on your dashboard – simply click the green feedback button to get started. This will open a feedback page which is explained in the ‘give feedback’ section below.
To return to the dashboard, click the blue ‘home’ button in the top left corner of the feedback page.
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Below your meetings in progress box you will find other resources which will come into play as you engage in feedback-enabled meetings. These may include:
- Outstanding feedback requests – one click feedback for feedback enabled meetings in the past three days to which you have not yet provided feedback – simply click a face!
- Ongoing collaborations – like meeting feedback but for indefinite periods of time, and therefore suitable for formal and informal teams to monitor and improve how they work together (more info)
- Upcoming meetings – a list of feedback enabled meetings in the coming month to which you have been invited or have organised (organisers can edit basic details via the edit button)
- Feedback on past meetings – a chance to look back at feedback received for any of your meetings from the last seven days
- Team accounts only – Trends of meeting performance over time and key meeting improvement metrics for you and your team
For more information on items you may encounter on your dashboard click here.
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Give feedback
Once you have clicked the green feedback button from your dashboard, providing anonymous feedback is as simple as clicking the face which best represents your satisfaction with the meeting’s use of your time.
When you do this, a ‘thank you’ panel will acknowledge your response, and give you the opportunity to add a comment if you wish (click the countdown bar).
Please add constructive comments for all responses that reflect dissatisfaction so that improvements might be made.
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Basic meeting feedback consists of just one set of faces for general feedback. In longer meetings, these may be used more than once to reflect different phases of the meeting.
For longer meetings, it is possible to
separate feedback by agenda item and so you may find that you have multiple sets of faces which enable you to feedback on specific parts of the meeting. You will still be able to provide general feedback by scrolling down to the last set of faces.
In addition to the meeting tab
(which opens by default) you
may see further tabs
(depending on whether the meeting has been set up by a team account):
- The qualities tab (represented by a diamond icon) enables you to feedback on the key determinants of meeting effectiveness and provides clearer guidance on how to improve meetings. You do not need to feed back on every item, but it is good to use one or two to reflect what went well, and one or two to reflect areas that might be improved (ideally with brief comments).
- The participants tab (represented by a person icon) enables you to provide individual anonymous feedback to your colleagues on how their contributions impacted you. (Requires team account).
- The results tab (represented by a bar-chart icon) enables you to see the results received by the meeting. This becomes visible when feedback is received and/or when it is shared by a team account.
For more guidance on using faces and what they mean, take a look at “using the faces to provide feedback”
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Enable feedback
Enabling feedback is as easy as remembering to invite meetings@inspirometer.com when you set up your meeting (on team accounts this happens automatically).
The free account enables you to organise feedback for up to five meetings per month.
By default your meeting feedback will be a simple single set of one-click faces – easy quick and straightforward, and easy to engage your colleagues in participating.
Just remember to get them to download the free app before your meeting takes place.
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You can also add feedback to your existing meetings by adding meetings@inspirometer.com to your list of invitees. However, if you do this, you will need to ensure that you send the update to all participants –
otherwise, Inspirometer will not know who they are, and will not allow them into the feedback area for your meeting.
If you set up feedback from the free account, all of the feedback tabs are automatically enabled, and meeting feedback is immediately shared with all participants via the App, so you do not need to worry about any additional settings or actions to
configure how the App will work in your meeting.
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See results
Rule #1: If you are the meeting organiser, before you look at your meeting feedback, it is vitally important that you understand that your meeting feedback is … Read More
- Your feedback is simply a reflection of ‘how people feel’ as a result of the interactions they had within your meeting
- ‘How people feel’ is a result of a number of factors, many of which may be outside of your control
- However, it is important for you to know ‘how they feel’ since this will affect what they do (or don’t do) as a result, and may affect your intended outcomes
- Furthermore, while you may not control all the factors which affect ‘how people feel’, you are probably well positioned to help facilitate their improvement
If it is visible, clicking the results tab
(represented by a bar-chart icon) enables you to see the feedback received for the meeting to this point.
To see the most recent feedback, you may need to refresh your view using the green refresh button toward the top right corner.
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If comments have been added, these are indicated by a red flash on the speech bubble icon to the right of the bar chart, simply click the speech bubble to view the comments received.
If you have received any personal participation feedback
(requires team account) this will appear at the top of the results page and will only be visible to you.
The overall feedback for the meeting can be viewed as a trend graph, so that you can see the mood of the meeting over time. The trend graph can be toggled by clicking the grey graph button toward the top right corner.
Data is available for seven days
(via the past meetings panel on your dashboard). This restriction does not apply to
team accounts, where data can be trended, and analysis collated, over multiple meetings for any selected time period.
Underneath the total meeting feedback graph/bar-chart, there are two further tabs. The first one
(which is active by default) shows the session feedback for the meeting
(general and agenda based feedback). The other tab
(if it is enabled) shows feedback received on the different aspects of meeting effectiveness – initially as bar charts and below that as a spider diagram
(The spider diagram is explained below).
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Improve meetings
Inspirometer maps the performance of your meetings against the key aspects that determine meeting effectiveness in a spider diagram – a radar plot which shows where your meetings are working well, and where there is room to improve.
The spider diagram can be found on the results page, in the ‘qualities’ section. The purple line shows the average value-add of each aspect, while the grey line shows the relative volume of feedback received.
Aspects that are prime candidates for improvement are where the purple line is close to the centre and the grey is close to the edge, or where there is a wide spread of opinion (see the bar charts below the spider diagram for specific responses and associated comments). Guidance on how to pursue that improvement can be found in the section below.
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Inspirometer is all about empowering self-directed learning in how we engage, inspire and add value to others. To support this, we capture feedback against the
key aspects that create the meeting environment in which this happens.
Self-directed learning is a powerful, but gradual, process of continuous growth. It is about lifting our performance, one aspect at a time, relentlessly, to develop the skills and insight we need to create the impact and success we want.
But it is most powerful when we have defined and taken ownership of our own definition of that success – when we have a clear goal for improvement, a commitment to pursue it, and a belief in the benefits it will bring.
To help you define that goal, we have developed a maturity model in which you can map out the current situation, and identify descriptions which define how YOU want things to be different. This will give the spider diagram more meaning for you, and help you to better prioritise your focus.
To access the maturity model
click here.
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Get ideas
The meetings clinic is a collection of bite-sized strategies that people can adopt to improve different aspects of their meetings.
The best way to access this resource is via the spider diagram by clicking on the aspects where the purple line most dips away from the edge.
This will automatically steer you to the resources which will prove most helpful in the improvements you are seeking.
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The meetings clinic can also be
accessed directly via this link.
Within the clinic, the drop-down menu in the right-hand panel will highlight strategies which can be used to enhance all aspects of meeting effectiveness.
The meetings clinic is part of the Inspirometer information service
(a free subscription service which provides useful ideas and training sessions on meeting effectiveness) and includes free guidance, tools and resources. Many of the tools are particularly valuable for improving participation and engagement
(and thereby effectiveness) in virtual meetings.
Team account users can map their spider diagram over multiple meetings, across multiple teams or team members, and thereby develop
(and track) team strategies for improvement. The team perspective also helps identify systemic areas for improvement, such as skill-sets, policies, facilities etc., and can be used to manage improvement across cultural initiatives such as inclusion, diversity, creativity, ownership, mental health, etc.
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Include agendas
Gathering feedback on individual agenda items is relatively easy, and is set up in the body of any meeting invitation for which feedback is enabled.
Simply include the word Agenda: (with a colon at the end as shown) on its own line, and below it include the agenda items on separate lines, each beginning with a hash symbol, a number, and a space as per the example below:
#1 Introduction
#2 Second agenda item – whatever it is
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For Inspirometer to be able to read your objective and agenda accurately, it needs to be in the following format within the body of the meeting invite:
Objective: This is where you type the purpose of your meeting – after it encounters the text string ‘Objective:’ Inspirometer captures everything to the end of the line.
#1 Our software looks for numbered items following the text ‘Agenda:’
#2 Each item must be on a separate numbered line
#3 Immediately preceded by the # symbol as the first character on that line
#4 The number must be followed by a space or tab, and then the title of the item
#4.1 Decimals are allowed in the numbering
Anything that does not follow this format is ignored …
4.2 So, if you wish to include a confidential item without feedback, omit the hash
#4.3 Or to gather feedback, simply say ‘Confidential item’ on the hashed line
And include its title on the line below – thus the title won’t appear in the feedback
#10.30 The number format also allows you to create timed agenda items for feedback if you wish.
The rest of the invitation will be ignored and can include any text you wish. The objective will be included as context for meeting feedback.
The Outlook add-in
(available as part of the team account) automatically creates these placeholders in new meeting invites.
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Build a team
By inviting meetings@inspirometer.com to a meeting of zero length (set the finish time to the start time) Inspirometer will set up meeting feedback for an indefinite period, but with all of the same functionality as the feedback for normal (synchronous) meetings.
This makes Inspirometer feedback viable for all sorts of team collaborations – working-groups, communities of practice, crowd-sourced teams, project teams, functional teams, …
Simply click the release button on your dashboard when you are ready to close it out.
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The meeting landscape is changing. Increasingly, collaboration is becoming asynchronous – making use of on-line forums, workspaces, and tools to enable an evolving dialogue to take place at times which best suit individual participants.
These collaborations, both formal and informal, need a form of feedback which continues for as long as the project.
However, the
key aspects that enable meeting effectiveness are also key to the effectiveness of asynchronous meetings, and to teamwork in general.
Therefore there is little need to change the way Inspirometer works to accommodate this. The one exception to this would be the agenda. However, it is an easy matter to replace what would be agenda items in the body of the invitation, with team goals or values, such as: customer focus; speed; integrity; etc.
Thus the team can regularly feed back on the extent to which these values are being fulfilled, and can track their progress against them – using the feedback to work together to identify improvements and address concerns.
Because the life of such projects may be months or even years, Inspirometer has included three additional features in these meetings:
- There is a switch toward the top left of the results page which limits the feedback shown to the last 30 days. This means that it is easy to separate currently relevant perspectives from historic ones
- The trend graph on the results page runs for the whole length of the project, enabling patterns to be seen over longer time periods
- People can be members of, and provide feedback on, more than one such team at any time
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Even more …
Inspirometer’s team solution embraces the individual empowerment, ownership and personal self-improvement of the feedback accounts into a collective business-wide strategy for meeting effectiveness.
It enables a powerful co-ordinated approach to ensure your collaboration processes will foster the engagement, diversity, agility, innovation, and performance you need to thrive in a rapidly changing business environment.
To begin your free trial of Inspirometer’s team solution click here.
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Inspirometer’s team solution augments your current solution with the following functionality:
- Individual feedback accounts are pulled into a linked system where team stats and trends can be improved as part of a collective strategy
- Results are trended over months and years to track ongoing improvement and identify performance patterns
- Feedback can be set up for unlimited meetings, and can be more specifically configured to the organiser’s needs
- Meeting organisers can selectively share feedback as needed
- Participant feedback is enabled for each individual account, enabling people to take greater responsibility for their participation
- Calendar data can be combined with feedback analysis to enable workplace analytics and advanced meeting process improvement
- Leadership permissions can be set to ensure local responsibility for team improvement and support coaching and training efforts
- A more advanced meetings clinic is available, to more directly guide and equip improvement activities
For a free trial of the team account (no obligations – you do not need a credit card) please click here (you can revert to the free account at any time).
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