Video Training Units

The following videos are intended to give short punchy on-demand training in how to use the Inspirometer system. They are broken down into different areas. Many are available in different areas of the site, but this page pulls them into one easy to navigate resource.
Clicking on a video will start it running and show the basic video controls. Click on the square outline in the bottom right corner of the video to see it in full screen mode.


How to install the Inspirometer tools and access your account

Installing the Outlook Add-in

Downloading the mobile App

Accessing your account


How to enable, give and view meeting feedback

Setting-up meeting feedback

Providing meeting feedback

Viewing and sharing feedback

How to administer your team

Setting up your team members

Supporting your team’s progress

Bulk upload of team members

How to communicate the ‘Why’

Why meeting metrics are important

Inspirometer promotional video covering key features