Results will be published here on June 15

In the meantime, feel free to join in our poll of people’s experiences of their most recent meeting …

If you attended the meeting, please click here:
If you hosted the meeting, please click here:
5 years ago we undertook a meetings survey across 50 organisations to understand how effectively meetings utilised people’s time. Our analysis showed that, overall:

  • meetings were less than 50% effective (worse than any other business process);
  • the implications of this for employee stress and productivity were very damaging;
  • organisations did not have the faintest idea of either the scale of the problem or how to get a handle on it.

As a result, we developed our effortless meeting metrics tool, which has allowed meeting effectiveness to be measured and improved as a (highly flexible) process.

We clearly recognise (and measure) improvements in our clients’ meetings, but our sense is that over the last 5 years, there have been improvements in meeting effectiveness across all organisations. By joining in our ‘single-click’ poll, you will help us to understand whether this perspective is right or wrong.

Feel free to share this link with others and to add new responses to the poll for the different meetings you attend.

























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