Managing by Design

What do we mean by ‘Managing by Design’?
On one hand, it implies a sense of intention and predetermination, and on the other it reflects a spirit of creativity, free-thinking and innovation. Both perspectives should be true of effective management.

But more than this, ‘Managing by Design’ reflects the conscious application of a design perspective within the responsibilities of management.
The book ‘Managing by Design’ is about all of these things. It tells the story (and presents the resources) of using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to redesign how an organisation works. QFD is a matrix tool which enables you to better harness your objectives into the processes you are using to deliver them. It can be applied to products, services, projects and organisations (from local teams right up to multinational businesses). For a quick overview of QFD, follow this link.
The book ‘Managing by Design’ uses parallel formats of textbook and novel to illustrate one organisation’s transformation through QFD, and provides step-by-step guidance, tools and practical illustrations for people to apply it within their own organisations.  You can read it on line via this link.
Managing by Design: Using QFD to transform management performance‘ is published by Tesseracts, ISBN 0 9543021 0 9.

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