Impact/Ease Grid

The Impact/Ease grid is a four-box model (a 2×2 positioning chart) for plotting solutions (or ideas or strategies) to reflect the impact of taking them forward vs the ease of taking them forward. Clearly the ideal solutions would be those with high impact and high ease.

As with most such tools, its power lies in stimulating debate and insight, rather than as an absolute arbiter of the correct decision.  It generates discussion around the positioning the various solutions on the grid – addressing assumptions and considering implications – thereby generating greater insight into each solution and how it might be taken forward.
The candidate solutions (or ideas or strategies) can be reviewed one at a time and placed on the grid by discussion. Later candidates can be positioned by reference to those already placed. This comparison can often result in repositioning the earlier candidates, but this is a natural and normal recalibration.
People can be invited to add their own candidates to the grid, and to achieve a draft positioning on the two axes, which can then be refined by debate.
The following link provides a bit more information on the tool
– Kilbride Consulting (as a 9 box model, but the principle is the same)
You can download a PowerPoint template of the tool below.
The template can be printed off (at any size) for use in Physical meetings, or uploaded to suitable meeting or collaboration software so that it can be used in virtual or asynchronous meetings.

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