Committing to Action

The product of an effective meeting leaves the room in the changed attitudes, understanding and intentions of its attendees. And pursuing these intentions serves to reinforce the attitudes and understanding.But it is the intentions that are often the most fragile – back in the real world they tend to evaporate in the heat of the day to day and can easily be forgotten if they are not written down. Read More



People sometimes miss the point that a decision made in a meeting is relatively useless if people are not actually committed to implementing that decision.

Where commitment is lacking, it is not uncommon that the actions required to put a decision into practice drag out across multiple follow up meetings – deadlines slip and interdependencies are not supported when they need to be. Read More



More often than not, whatever the reasons given in the meeting, the primary factor in lack of progress between meetings is ‘I was not sufficiently committed to make progress and/or face the hassle of highlighting and resolving the issues as and when they arose‘, or alternatively ‘I encountered an obstacle which seemed to me to present a sufficiently valid excuse for me to get on with other things instead‘. Read More


Strategic Improvement

Use the model below to develop a vision for how you want your meetings to be different going forward, and then research the resources above to develop a coherent plan for how you plan to bring about improvement.

For a selection of resources which support ‘action’, please go to:


Track your progress to ensure the efficacy of this strategy.