Committing to Action

The product of an effective meeting leaves the room in the changed attitudes, understanding and intentions of its attendees. And pursuing these intentions serves to … Read more

Action Planning Sheet

The Action Planning sheet is a tool for thinking through actions in respect of ensuring they will be effectively implemented. It is particularly useful where … Read more

Solution Effect Diagram

The Solution Effect Diagram is a very useful variation of the Ishikawa diagram. It is used for exploring the potential implications to an intended change (sometimes … Read more

Persistent Project Walls

Unlike physical meeting rooms, virtual meeting rooms can be limitless in their dimensions and their allocation. Information can be spread over their virtual walls with … Read more

Asynchronous meetings

Asynchronous means ‘not at the same time’. Asynchronous meetings are a form of collaboration where the topics, the purpose and the inputs and outputs resemble a … Read more

Conducting a Pre-Mortem

What is a Pre-Mortem? Courtesy Matt Byrom In conventional project management, when you undertake a risk assessment, people are asked to say what might go … Read more

The £500 bet

This particular exercise is based on the results of a survey undertaken by a consulting organisation of failed and delayed projects. In their interviews of the … Read more

Personal Action Plans

Personal Action Plans are primarily a means of developing ownership for individual or collective behavioural change. They are analogous to normal meeting actions but differ … Read more


Coaching is probably the most valuable tool by which a leader can leverage their ability and experience to the sustained benefit of their organisation. The … Read more

Myers-Briggs model / Psychometrics

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a well established psychometric tool for assessing peoples preferences in decision making activities. It was developed by a mother … Read more

Handling Stress and Conflict

If your meetings are dealing with important issues, then it would be unusual if some of those issues do not on occasion create some degree of stress … Read more

Action Minutes

Action Minutes are simply a means of recording the key outcomes of a meeting in which people can clearly see their responsibilities for bringing those … Read more

Kipling List

The Kipling List is taken from a very short poem by Rudyard Kipling: “I had six serving men, they taught me all I knew, there … Read more

Impact/Ease Grid

The Impact/Ease grid is a four-box model (a 2×2 positioning chart) for plotting solutions (or ideas or strategies) to reflect the impact of taking them … Read more

Force-Field Analysis

The Force-Field Diagram is premised on the assumption that people and events behave (or fail to behave) as they do because of the balance of … Read more

Planning Chart

The Planning Chart is simply a grid, with either months, or numbers along the top, to represent periods of time into the future, and rows … Read more

Consensus Reaching

Consensus is where every individual member of a group fully accepts the group’s conclusion for the collective benefit of the group, and is fully committed … Read more

RACI Chart

RACI is an acronym for: Responsible; Accountable; Consulted; and Informed – four different levels of involvement that an individual might have with a particular area … Read more