PowerPoint Timers

Timers are great tools for making sure that people recognise how time is passing when they are engaged in a task. The idea here is … Read more

Session Plans

Really effective and efficient meetings are rarely achieved by accident. The following diagram shows a small section of an off-site workshop plan which reflects the … Read more

‘Parking Lot’ Principles

A ‘Parking Lot’ is an extremely useful device for ensuring your meetings keep on track with the full support and attention of the attendees. Essentially, … Read more

Meetings Checklist

Phase 1 Clarity of purpose/process Is there a clear objective defined which warrants the meeting? Is it necessary (as a meeting) or can (at least … Read more

Walk Round Process

Syndicates are an excellent way of developing quality outcomes efficiently with the meeting, and for building ownership for these. Essentially, syndicates involve taking a small … Read more

Memory effects

All meetings are about learning, both individual learning and collective learning. For a meeting to be effective it must result in change of some type … Read more